Media News

Dow Jones union members approve new contract

July 1, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Members of the IAPE 1096 union that represents business journalists at Dow Jones publications The Wall Street Journal, and Barron’s have overwhelmingly voted to approve a new four-year contract.

A record-high 81% of members voted 97% in favor of a new deal adding, on average, 16.43% to member wages by the end of the deal. 1,042 union members voted to approve the deal, compared to 29 members voting to reject.

“Visible membership support and participation were the only reasons IAPE was able to negotiate this industry-leading contract,” said IAPE President Jodi Green. “It is no surprise our members continued to speak loudly during ratification, and voted in record numbers.”

IAPE informed company officials of the election results earlier this morning.

With a new contract in place, Dow Jones will soon begin processing combined year one and two pay increases of 8.00%, retroactive pay increases of 4.25% with minimum payments of $4,250, and ratification bonuses equal to the greater of $1,000 or 1.00% of pay.

Additional raises of 3.75% will be paid on July 1, 2025 and July 1, 2026. When introductory scale increases and minimum dollar pay raises are factored in, the new contract will increase pay for IAPE-represented employees by 16.43% by the time it expires on June 30. 2027.

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