Media News

How The Economist is using short-form video to attract readers

August 17, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Neha Gupta of the World Association of News Publishers writes about how The Economist is using short-form videos to attract new readers.

Gupta writes, “After deliberating and strategising, the 180-year-old Economist launched on TikTok in July 2022.

“‘We chose TikTok because we felt it was the most different and would push us and challenge us to do a totally different new format of visual storytelling,’ Moloney said.

The majority of their TikTok audience is younger than 35 years of age, which is split 58-42 male-female.

“Although the company operates on a TikTok-first basis, that content also gets repurposed to Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

“‘All our videos are based on the original articles which helps us send people back to the website to register and subscribe,’ she added.”

Read more here.

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