Media News

How Indiana Lawyer’s new editor hopes to improve coverage

October 9, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Greg Weaver

Tony Weaver, the new editor in chief of Indiana Lawyer, writes about his plans for the publication.

Weaver writes, “From that experience, I hope to deepen the Lawyer’s coverage of the growing government relations and lobbying practices in the state and spend more time looking at the operations of the state’s judiciary and the disclosure, transparency and ethics laws that govern it.

“In addition to the Lawyer’s traditional coverage of appellate court rulings, our news team also is working to expand reporting on the trial courts and the filing of new lawsuits at a time when other media in the state are withdrawing from this arena.

“On the business front, I was the business editor at The Star for several years before jumping to IBJ.

“My hope is to become as familiar with the business practices, challenges and opportunities facing Indiana law firms as I am with the drug pipeline at Eli Lilly and Co. or the water supply challenges at the LEAP Innovation and Research District in Boone County.”

Read more here.

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