Media News

Fuller, former Pacific Business News publisher, has died

January 25, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Larry Fuller

Larry Fuller, who was publisher of Pacific Business News — an American City Business Journals publication — for 11 years before retiring in 2009, died Thursday at his home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, at the age of 83.

An obituary states, “For a brief period, from 1984 to 1986, he worked on the corporate staff of Gannett, first in charge of Gannett New Media, Gannett’s foray into online journalism, and then as director of corporate communications for Gannett and USA TODAY.

“He said he missed being a part of a community newspaper and in 1986, the family returned to Sioux Falls where he was publisher and later added duties as a regional vice president with oversight for several newspapers first in the West and then in the Midwest. He was named Publisher of the Year for Gannett in 1989.

“He and Suzanne made a big change in 1993 when Fuller became publisher of the Honolulu Advertiser and president of the Hawaii Newspaper Agency. His final newspaper stop was as publisher of the Pacific Business News in Honolulu and its transition from a weekly newspaper to a multimedia operation and business-event producer. He retired after more than 50 years in journalism.”

Read more here.


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