Media News

Former Free Press biz editor, Pulitzer winner dies at 93

September 24, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

David C. Smith

David C. Smith, a former business editor at the Detroit Free Press who was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the city’s 1967 riot, has died at the age of 93.

Jamie L. LaReau of The Free Press writes, “With a degree in hand, Smith embarked on a career in journalism working as a columnist for the Detroit Times, Toledo Blade and Wall Street Journal.

“Smith’s daughter Erin Millerschin told the Free Press that the family moved from California, where her father worked at The Wall Street Journal, to Detroit in 1964 for him to take a job as the business and financial editor at the Free Press, where he contributed to the coverage of the 1967 Detroit riot.

“‘He worked at the Detroit Free Press for six years,’ Millerschin said by email. ‘He used to take me and my sister Shannon to the Detroit Free Press on many Saturdays to check the final copy and presses. I still remember the smell of the Wonder Bread factory right off the freeway heading downtown from Birmingham and feeling VERY excited about being in the mix of the newsroom with my dad.'”

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