Media News

Businesses pay for 75% of FT’s subscriptions

July 10, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Businesses pay for 75 percent of the subscriptions to the Financial Times, reports Charlotte Tobitt of the Press Gazette.

Tobitt reports, “The B2B division, which formally launched in 2007, makes up three-quarters of the FT’s paying readership and its revenue has grown at an average of more than 10% each year since 2018, according to the company.

“In total across its consumer and B2B divisions the FT has 1.2 million paying readers, more than one million of which are digital.

“The rebrand to FT Professional will see it target growth industries of professional services, law, media and tech alongside its existing core sectors of financial services, banking, government and education.”

Read more here.

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