Media News

How Bloomberg Media reached its subscription target faster than expected

August 16, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Julia Beizer

Rahat Kapur of Campaign spoke to Bloomberg Media chief digital officer Julia Beizer about its strategy.

Kapur writes, “Over the past three years, Bloomberg Media introduced several digital enhancements aimed at meeting the evolving demands of its audience, including the introduction of real-time watchlists, vertical video content, and significant upgrades to its mobile app, all of which prioritise user experience. Under Beizer’s leadership, the organisation has also seen a notable increase in its subscriber base, recently surpassing 540,000 subscribers globally (over 600,000 at the time of publishing). This milestone, achieved just after the sixth anniversary of Bloomberg Media’s paywall, was reached faster than expected.

“Beizer attributes this growth to a focused, consumer-driven content strategy. ‘We got there by continuing to be laser-focused on our consumer-focused content, and—among other strategies—adding value in our subscription-only newsletter offerings,’ she told Campaign.

“She added that subscriptions have been a promising model for APAC with 20% of subscribers living in the region and the remaining proportion from Europe and the US. Marketing campaigns are also rolled out where the company’s digital products are targeted according to consumer needs in APAC. Meanwhile, media sales and brand partnerships form a key part of Bloomberg’s monetisation strategy, with its commercial partnerships ‘expanding beyond the standard advertising model, according to Beizer.

Read more here.

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