Mark Mooney, an editor at CNNMoney, has died at the age of 66 from prostate cancer.
On Medium, Mooney wrote, “I’m sure you’ve heard the old saw that you’ll never hear a dying man say that he wished he had spent more time at the office.
“Well, I’m here to tell you… ah, check that. If you are reading this, that means that I am no longer here. The prostate cancer finished toying with me on October 6, 2017. I was 66 and glad to be done with the damn disease.
“But if I were still here I would tell you that I wish I had done more work as a news reporter. Written better stories. Made more and better contacts. Skipped some of the easier pieces and done more in-depth stories. Spent more time on foreign stories. Been a better editor.
“I loved being a reporter. (Journalist is kind of a lace curtain word for the job.) It’s where I met most of my best friends. It’s where I met my wife Barbara, also a reporter. It’s where I had my biggest audiences.”
Read more here.