Kevin Krolicki, regional editor for the Americas at Reuters, sent out the following announcement on Thursday:
I am pleased to announce that Tiffany Wu has been appointed managing editor for news in the Americas effective immediately.
Based in New York, Tiffany will be responsible for helping to steer our coverage strategy and lead our daily news editing and our production teams, including our multimedia efforts. As the senior news editor in our largest U.S. newsroom, Tiffany will also be on hand to run any story that requires us to mobilize quickly across teams in New York and the region.
Tiffany will be central to the new regional leadership team I have described, working with me and with Don Durfee, managing editor for operations, to ensure our hardest issues get the sustained attention they require and we build on our best coverage across the region.
Tiffany joined Reuters in 1998 and has worked in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei and New York as a reporter, bureau chief, editor and manager. Since coming to New York a decade ago, Tiffany has run our technology and media reporting teams, our coverage of companies, and, most recently, our regional editing desk. From 2012 to 2014, she also worked as a Top News editor.
That’s a depth and breadth of experience that sets her up for success in this new role and a valuable partner in leading the region.
Tiffany fills the first of three senior jobs for which we have been recruiting. You can expect updates on the editor for Top News and Washington bureau chief in coming weeks.
I’ve said before you should expect this new leadership team to be judged on how it works on a busy Monday. It bears repeating that the underlying goal here is simple: we want to do great journalism and develop and support great journalists at Reuters.
Please join me in congratulating Tiffany on her appointment. We’re eager to go to work.
Best, Kevin