If you emailed San Francisco Chronicle business editor Owen Thomas this week, you got this following “out of office” reply:
Hi. I think you’re awesome and I hope you’re having a great day. Did you see that thing online? Wacky, right?
I’m out of the office on vacation until November 27, so I may not see this email right away. If this causes you any stress, there’s a great routine of slow, cleansing breaths and centering exercises I can share with you.
If you’re writing to express a concern about an article in the Business section in print or online, please email Kate Galbraith (kgalbraith@sfchronicle.com).
Don’t send PR pitches or follow-ups to Kate. That’s just cruel, since she has the whole business section to get out during a holiday week.
If you’ve got a PR pitch, you’re best off sending it to a specific reporter whose beat matches the subject of the pitch. You can see reporters’ bios and email addresses on sfchronicle.com. If you can’t find a match, you’re welcome to send a pitch to business@sfchronicle.com, which I review and mass-archive a couple of times a week, if I have time.
Have a great one and remember those centering exercises!