CNBC senior vice president and editor in chief Nik Deogun sent out the following announcement on Monday:
The past few days have shown that in the Trump era, much of the business of Washington is… business. With that in mind, I am pleased to announce that Kayla Tausche will move to CNBC’s Washington bureau as a correspondent, effective February 6.
Her reporting will focus on the intersection of government and business – from revamped regulations to trade deals – so that investors can be armed with better insight and information.
Kayla has a keen sense of business news, joining CNBC in 2011, most recently serving as an on-air correspondent and co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Alley,” where she focused on the big money backing technology and innovation. She has also covered the banking industry as well as corporate finance and deals. While at CNBC, Kayla has broken numerous stories and reported on a wide variety of high-profile events, including the historic Brexit vote, the Facebook, Twitter and Alibaba IPOs, the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the News Corp. phone hacking scandal.
Kayla began her journalism career with posts at the Associated Press in Brussels, Bloomberg News in New York, and DealReporter in New York and London.
Kayla graduated with honors in business journalism and international politics from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was an Ameel J. Fisher scholar. She sits on the alumni board of the UNC journalism school.
Please join me in congratulating Kayla on her new role.