The Victorville Daily Press has begun running a consumer column written by nationally syndicated columnist Mike Boguslawski, according to a short story.
Staff writer Mitch Deacon wrote, “Operating from his home in Apple Valley, the consumer advocate considers each question and complaint from the perspective of businesses and the people they serve.
“‘You have to look at the business side and understand the rules and regulations, and then you have to take a look at what the consumers are going through to see if they are getting what they are paying for,’ said Boguslawski, or ‘Bogey,’ as he is popularly known.
“Originally from Bristol, Conn., Boguslawski studied at a Catholic seminary and later worked in government before embarking on a career in consumer advocacy in broadcasting and newspaper columns.
“‘My column helps people stand up for their rights by helping them know what their rights are,’ Bogey said. ‘I hope to get complaints that make my hair stand because that’s how I help people.'”
Read more here.