NY Times tech writer has ethical lapse

New York Times online tech columnist David Pogue, who also contibutes to CBS News, is being scolded for accepting an online service without paying for it. At first, he defended his actions, noting that was accepted practice. SF Weekly writer Matt Smith wrote, “Last month Pogue embarrassed his blue-chip media employers by accepting $2,000 in […]

Preliminary Loeb Awards meeting held Monday

The Gerald Loeb Awards for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism held its annual preliminary judging meeting Monday at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles, Calif., according to this press release. So if you’ve entered this year, then your entry was probably given its first review today. This year’s preliminary judges include leading […]

Biz magazines nominated for awards

The American Society of Magazine Editors announced the finalists for the National Magazine Awards, considered the Pulitzer Prizes for the mag industry, and named a number of business magazines for potential prizes. Here are the biz glossies up for awards: 1. Harvard Business Review is a finalist in the general excellence category for magazines with […]

BusinessWeek announces new international editorial managers

BusinessWeek announced new leadership for its international editorial staff as it launched Web sites for Europe and Asia. The changes are the first phase in a rollout later this year of customized Web sites for both regions. In December, BusinessWeek restructured its international operations, which led to a number of layoffs. The restructuring was due […]

Innovation journalism fellows named

Stanford University has started a program to teach journalists how to write better about how innovation affects the business world and the larger society. It named its first fellows for the program today. The press release states: “The fellows represent influential newsrooms in Sweden and Finland, together with the U.S. ranked as the most competitive […]

Great online business journalism

Jeremy Caplan is a New York-based reporter for Time magazine. He has worked as Associate Editor at Time Magazine for Kids and at The Paris Review, Newsweek, and Yahoo! Internet Life reporting and writing about technology, the arts, food, education and other subjects. On Jeremy’s Web site, he has a list of the best of […]