Spies in the newsroom for H-P?

Hewlett-Packard Corp., under fire for obtaining the phone records of journalists and board members in an attempt to discover a leak within the company, apparently examined placing spies in newsrooms, according to a New York Times article on Wednesday. Damon Darlin and Kurt Eichenwald wrote, “The studies, referred to in a Feb. 2 draft report […]

Times: H-P tried to plant bug on journalist's computer

A New York Times story Monday about the attempts Hewlett-Packard took to discover a leak among its board members notes that the computer maker took other measures beside obtaining phone records of journalist. Reporter Damon Darlin wrote, “Those briefed on the company’s review of the operation say detectives tried to plant software on at least […]

Hewlett-Packard obtained phone records of nine journalists

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting Friday that Hewlett-Packard obtained the phone records of nine business journalists during its investigation into its board members to determine who was leaking information to reporters. Four of the reporters have been identified. They are Dawn Kawamoto and Tom Krazit of Cnet, an online publication in San Francisco that […]

Investigating boardroom leaks to biz reporters

The New York Times and other media outlets are reporting today about an SEC filing by Hewlett-Packard in which the computer maker disclosed that it had investigated its board members to determine who was leaking information to business journalists. Former CEO Carly Fiorina was apparently upset with articles quoting board members who weren’t happy with […]

Forbes.com aims to overtake CNBC in viewers

Forbes.com CEO Jim Spanfeller told Beet TV that the web site’s video could overtake business news cable channel CNBC in total viewers. Spanfeller stated, “That’s one of our bulls eyes out there is the fine people at CNBC. The idea is, then again, they have a relatively limited reach. I mean, I think if you […]

Vonage fights back against Cramer

Viewers of Jim Cramer’s “Mad Money” show on CNBC know that he has been belittling Vonage, even going as far as to bring a toy dog onto the set and have a barking sound, implying that the company is not a good stock. Now, Vonage is retaliating against Cramer, according to this story. Marguerite Reardon […]

Loeb finalists named

The finalists for the Loeb Awards, administered by the UCLA Anderson School of Management, were named in a video conference on Monday by dean Judy D. Olian. There is no press release yet, and I did not catch all of the reporter’s names, but I did get all of the names of the newspapers and […]

A PR exec's opinions about changes in business journalism

Richard Edelman of the Edelman Public Relations firm spent the past week meeting with reporters and editors from The Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine. He came away with some distinct conclusions about how mainstream business journalism is changing, and how PR people need to adapt. Edelman writes, “* MSM on-line is now […]

NY Times tech writer has ethical lapse

New York Times online tech columnist David Pogue, who also contibutes to CBS News, is being scolded for accepting an online service without paying for it. At first, he defended his actions, noting that was accepted practice. SF Weekly writer Matt Smith wrote, “Last month Pogue embarrassed his blue-chip media employers by accepting $2,000 in […]

Preliminary Loeb Awards meeting held Monday

The Gerald Loeb Awards for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism held its annual preliminary judging meeting Monday at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles, Calif., according to this press release. So if you’ve entered this year, then your entry was probably given its first review today. This year’s preliminary judges include leading […]