Media News

Yahoo Finance gains on competitors in May

June 18, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Yahoo Finance continued its dominance as the No. 1 business news website in May, increasing its unique visitors by 2 percent while seven of the top 10 sites saw a decline.

Yahoo Finance recorded 106.9 million unique visitors for the month, according to comScore.

No. 2 Forbes posted a 7 percent decline in unique visitors to 60.9 million, down from 65.4 million in April.

The websites of Dow Jones — The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s and MarketWatch — also reported a 7 percent decline to 45.1 million unique visitors in May. It is third, however, up one spot.

In the top 10, No. 4 CNBC had the biggest drop in unique visitors, down 15 percent in May to 44.6 million. It was No 3 in April.

Both No. 5 Reuters and No. 9 CNN Business had the highest gains, with both seeing a 6 percent increase in unique visitors in the month. CNN Business was No. 10 in April, but passed, which saw a 5 percent decline in unique visitors in May.

No. 17 Quartz had the best performance among business news sites, rising 44 percent in unique visitors in May to 5.2 million.

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