Media News

WSJ reorganization rattles newsroom

January 31, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

IAPE 1096, the union that represents editorial staffers at The Wall Street Journal, issued the following statement:

WSJ leadership announced the latest large-scale—and unsettling—restructuring in the newsroom this week, mainly affecting the Life & Work teams. While IAPE has received no notices of member layoffs in that or other departments this week, we are concerned about a lack of communication by management about the restructuring’s aims. What shoe will drop next?

Our collective bargaining agreement does allow for the “transfer of jobs within the same location,” a provision IAPE insisted on during 2019 contract negotiations. We are monitoring the new structure to ensure the moves were made properly under contract obligations related to departments—defined by our contract as a “distinct functional/operational group”—and seniority.

We know positions outside of the IAPE bargaining unit were eliminated this week and that many of our members are shouldering the difficult departure of longtime colleagues and are fearful about their own job security. IAPE board members and stewards are available if you have questions about your seniority, concerns regarding your rights, tips about layoffs to share (because we rely on information from our members) or just need to talk. As always, you can email to be connected with a board member or steward.

We’re left with the same questions we’ve been asking for years: When will this end? Can we stop living in fear and focus on doing good work? What is the point of all these changes, really?

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