Media News

SF Chronicle hires Roy as personal finance columnist

July 30, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Jessica Roy

Jessica Roy is joining the San Francisco Chronicle as its personal finance and utility columnist.

Roy will write about how to build and manage wealth for readers at various life stages and income levels. She’ll cover California’s tax code, the insurance crisis, real estate, budgeting, gas versus electric, grocery bills, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. bills and much more.

Roy comes to the Chronicle after nine years at the Los Angeles Times, where her byline has appeared in every section of the newspaper. She worked on the audience engagement team, the utility journalism team and most recently as an editor for West Coast Experiences. Her work has included a newsletter course on how to make and stick to a budget, an investigation into California’s failed plastic bag ban, and a series about getting her identity stolen.

She graduated from UCLA.

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