Media News

Russia bars 14 WSJ reporters, including EIC Tucker

August 28, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Russia has banned dozens of journalists, including 14 from The Wall Street Journal, reports Katie Robertson of The New York Times.

Robertson reports, “The ministry said it had barred ‘editorial staff and reporters of leading liberal-globalist publications involved in the production and dissemination of ‘fakes’ about Russia and the Russian armed forces, and the propaganda ‘cover’ for the ‘hybrid war’ unleashed by Washington,’ according to a translation of the statement.

“The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“The list named 14 Wall Street Journal employees, including the editor in chief, Emma Tucker. It also listed five New York Times journalists and four Washington Post journalists, as well as a political cartoonist from The Guardian based in London. The Times has not independently confirmed that every person on the list is a U.S. citizen.”

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