Media News

Former Business Insider cannabis reporter starts Cultivated newsletter

February 9, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Jeremy Berke

Former Business Insider cannabis reporter Jeremy Berke has started a newsletter called Cultivated to cover the industry.

“While I believe my primary audience will serve those who work in the cannabis industry, I want it to be generally interesting for those that don’t, or just want to learn more about it,” wrote Berke on Cultivated. About 250 people subscribed to the first issue.

Berke has covered the bumpy rollout of Canada’s cannabis legalization, the boom in cannabis companies going public (and the resulting fallout), multibillion-dollar mergers between cannabis companies and corporations from other industries, the ongoing health effects from vaporizers, the mislabeling of CBD products, and how the world’s largest financial, legal, and political institutions are reacting to and planning for legalization.

He has also gotten scoops and broken news on layoffs affecting cannabis companies, startups raising money, banks and law firms building specialized cannabis practices, tracked which companies and individuals are profiting from cannabis, and profiled some of the top executives, investors, and leaders in the industry.

Berke is a Bowdoin College graduate.

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