Choire Sicha has been named senior editor, Styles, at The New York Times. Previously, he held the post of editor, Styles.
In his new role, Sicha will be responsible for a project aimed to expand The Times’ newsletter portfolio. Sicha will be thinking of ways to use newsletters to form deeper connections with readers and showcase new voices in ways that meaningfully expand and evolve Times journalism.
Sicha is also the co-founder of The Awl, an independently owned, venture-capital-free family of successful websites, published out of downtown Brooklyn. He was also executive director, partner development at Vox.
He has also served as a thesis advisor at Columbia University – Graduate School of Journalism. He has also written for BookForum and The New York Times, and wrote a Q&A column with movie and TV people for the Los Angeles Times.
He was also a senior editor at New York Observer and an editor at Gawker Media.
He is also the author of “Very Recent History,” a nonfiction account published by HarperCollins.