Journo Jobs

The Tampa Bay Times seeks a data reporter, politics

October 2, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

The Tampa Bay Times’ state government and politics team is looking for a data reporter who can help make sense of the political landscape from Tampa Bay to Tallahassee. Politics is a data-rich beat, and we expect the successful candidate to conceive smart, thoughtful ideas that distinguish our coverage – allowing our work to rise above pack journalism. From campaign finance to lobbying, elections and budgets, the political world is chock-full of opportunities to pick your shots and help illuminate what’s happening around Florida, using the state’s favorable public records laws.

The ideal candidate knows how to obtain, crunch and present data sets in multiple formats and is comfortable using advanced data reporting tools. They are skilled at negotiating for data, cleaning it and communicating it to readers in a compelling way. We’re looking for curious, resourceful reporters who can find and break news, identify deeper patterns and trends and can hold the powerful to account. We’re seeking a team player who is comfortable collaborating with our stellar politics team.

This is an exciting time to join the Tampa Bay Times, winner of back-to-back Pulitzer Prizes in 2021 and 2022.

To apply, please upload a resume and cover letter with a vision for this beat. Include links clips, if possible.

Open to applications from recent or Spring 2023 college graduates

For more details click here.

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