The Boston Globe is considering selling ads on the front page of its business section, according to an article in the Saturday Boston Herald, in a move that would mirror a decision made by its parent newspaper, The New Yoek Times, which announced earlier this week it would sell ads on the front page of its business section.
Herald reporter Jesse Noyes wrote, “Selling ad space on section fronts is a controversial move. But with the industry facing tough financial straits, more newspapers are considering the practice.
“The Herald began running ads on the front page last September.
“Ironically, online advertising, which has caused grief to print publishers, has contributed to the blurring of the line between commercial and editorial content as newspapers seek out a place on the Internet, said Fred Bayles, a journalism professor at Boston University.
“‘There’s so much advertising commingled with editorial copy on (newspaper’s) Web sites that it’s hard to tell where the line should be drawn,’ Bayles said.”
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