Steve Kanaval writes on that Jim Cramer needs to retire from his CNBC work.
Kanaval writes, “CNBC used to mean Consumer News and Business Channel now it means Cramer all the Time – and Not all this BooYaa Coverage of things Jim thinks are important, the show has more depth than they show, and everyone bows so much to what JC says he is like the bratty kid at the party who has to make a spectacle of himself whenever the camera is on him, and some of his silly rants (have little to do with what the original subject) make me turn to ESPN or Dan Patrick.
“Joe Kernan can’t keep one line of thought going for more than 60 seconds, and Rick Santelli from the CME is always angry about something and seems to yell louder and louder without the producers managing the content. most viewers don’t watch or listen to the show in the afternoon, and the wailing of that moron Simon is the only reason i stand up to mute the TV. Usually I hit ‘guide” so I can find some sports or a movie which will remove me from the droll which goes on during daytime hours. The only value after the opening bell (other than watching Mellissa Lee’s lips move like an old Speed Racer show) is the closing show where they have ACTUAL portfolio managers on the show ( I still watch M.Lee’s lips move during this show..).
“Business content and broadcasting in general has changed so much since CNBC formed in 1991..but it’s been a long slow slide for CNBC and eventually they will all ride off into the sunset … for now. I miss my friend Mark Haines.
“As if we don’t have enough choices on cable for business coverage…any Tom,Dick or Harry can create a podcast and launch it like a monkey to the moon on a website…..even me !!!! Yessssssssssssssssss…take that Cramer !!! Please retire and write books.”
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