Some of Tuesday’s top business news stories:
Associated Press
France threatens EU retaliation over US wine tariff plan
For banks, data on your spending habits could be a gold mine, by Anick Jesdanun
The Wall Street Journal
Treasury Eases Minimum-Tax Burdens on U.S. Multinationals, by Kate Davidson, Richard Rubin
Tight Holiday-Season Calendar Will Test UPS, FedEx and Amazon, by Paul Ziobro
Big Tech’s stock market reign will end in 2020. Here’s why, by Paul R. La Monica
Grocery giant takes a $237 million hit after losing a deal with 7-Eleven, by Michelle Toh
Wilbur Ross says December tariff hike likely without China breakthrough, by Jacob Knutson
Esports group Astralis plans industry’s first IPO, by Dan Primack
Battle of the biscuits as Ferrero aims to take a bite out of Barilla, by Francesca Landini
U.S. Cyber Monday sales to hit record $9.2 billion, by Aishwarya Venugopal
News about business journalism
Schouten becomes new formats editor at WSJ
WSJ: Bloomberg LP could fetch $50 billion
Trump campaign to ban Bloomberg News reporters
Daily Herald to be honored with grant by Report for America
The evolution of open-source journalism
Could the Salt Lake Tribune’s approach work elsewhere?
Forbes acquires Quantalytics AI Labs for an undisclosed amount