As noted earlier, the union representing business journalists at The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Marketwatch and Dow Jones Newswire ran an ad in the New York Times on Tuesday about the redesigned Journal and its current negotiations with parent company Dow Jones.
Apparently the union, the Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees, has received a few inquirees about who paid for the ad.
The IAPE posted this response on its web site: “The ad was roughly $115,000 — and our parent union, the Communications Workers of America, paid for it as a sign of their support for our bargaining efforts. The CWA has also made it clear there’s more money in their coffers if we need it.
“At the same time, the Newspaper Guild, the CWA ‘sector’ of which we’re also a member, has extended a hefty chunk of additional funding for our bargaining efforts.
“All this support makes us stronger and more resilient. It means we can keep our own, steadily growing treasury to finance other costs as bargaining progresses. And it’s also a message to Dow Jones that we’re prepared to go the distance to win a fair contract.”
Read more here.