Jim McNair, a well-known investigative business reporter who joined the Cincinnati Enquirer in 2001 from the Miami Herald during the Gannett’s paper’s attempt to beef up its business coverage, was fired from the paper last week, but says he was not given a good reason as to his dismissal.
McNair, 54, confirmed that he was fired in an e-mail to Talking Biz News. His name still appears on the paper’s list of business department contacts as of Monday afternoon.
In an e-mail, he stated, “I was called into HR late in the afternoon and was told that I had been terminated. When I asked why I was fired, my boss, business editor Carolyn Pione, told me that people had complained about me and that my conduct was unprofessional. I asked her for the source and the subject of the complaints, but she refused to identify them.
“The executive editor, Hollis Towns, escorted me out of the building without giving me a chance to take my personal possessions. If I had committed some kind of professional transgression, nothing had ever been brought to my attention. If I had offended someone through inaccurate reporting, it never resulted in any corrections, clarifications or retractions. There is no porn on my PC, I report the truth and I’m too lazy to plagiarize. After 29 years of reporting, I am left unemployed, with no severance pay and at a complete loss to understand how my performance could be called into question.”
UPDATE: Pione, in a phone conversation Tuesday, said she could not discuss the specifics of why McNair was fired, but she noted that the paper wanted to publish the stories on which he was working with additional reporting from other journalists.
She said, “The Enquirer is more committed than ever to aggressive coverage of business news. We hired a business reporter on Friday and we’re looking for a strong, experienced reporter to cover Procter & Gamble and downtown development for us. We’re also moving one or two reporters to business from elsewhere in the newsroom.
“And that’s all at a time when many newspapers are having hiring freezes, layoffs and buyouts. Cincinnati is a great town for business reporting, with nine Fortune 500 companies and many challenges to the local economy, and it’s great to be bringing in some fresh energy to tackle those stories.”
She also noted that Towns reads the Wall Street Journal every morning, and wants to make business a key part of the paper’s coverage.
If you remember what’s going on at the paper’s business section, the business reporters were told earlier this year that they would be put into the weekend reporting rotation back in February, which caused some consternation about what would happen if they missed a big business story. McNair was one of those upset about this move. In addition, the Enquirer has become one of the few daily metros in the country to get rid of its standalone business section. That caused one reporter to leave for the Columbus Dispatch, and its business editor to depart for an AP job in Louisiana.
Last year, Talking Biz News wrote about McNair and how a local company, Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, had taken out a full-page ad in the paper complaining about his coverage. However, the CEO of that company has since been indicted.
The Newsache blog wrote, “McNair is old school. He is not a proponent of the journalism of hope and didn’t want to write about ‘good things happening.’ He wants to put people in jail. His coverage of Enzyte maker Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals probably helped do exactly that. He relentlessly covered the Erpenbeck and Fiorini financial scandals, and has kept the family feud at Check ‘N’ Go in the paper.
“But McNair’s brand of journalism made people inside the paper uncomfortable. The Enquirer has no history of providing this kind of hard-nosed reporting, so there was no natural spot for McNair in the newsroom, no investigative team for him to join and no editors who understand how to produce this kind of journalism It often took months for his work to appear in the paper. The Enquirer didn’t see fit to run much of his work on the front page.”
Back in 2002, McNair wrote the following for Nieman Reports: “Preemptive strikes by corporations whose dubious business or accounting practices are about to be exposed are merely another hurdle for corporate watchdogs in the news media. It doesn’t stop there. Competent business reporters are regularly blackballed for writing critical stories or for failing to trumpet a corporation’s business ventures.”
It appears that McNair was foreshadowing his own demise. I hope he finds another job.
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OLD Media Moves
Well-known biz reporter at Cincinnati Enquirer is fired
August 20, 2007
Posted by Chris Roush
Jim McNair, a well-known investigative business reporter who joined the Cincinnati Enquirer in 2001 from the Miami Herald during the Gannett’s paper’s attempt to beef up its business coverage, was fired from the paper last week, but says he was not given a good reason as to his dismissal.
In an e-mail, he stated, “I was called into HR late in the afternoon and was told that I had been terminated. When I asked why I was fired, my boss, business editor Carolyn Pione, told me that people had complained about me and that my conduct was unprofessional. I asked her for the source and the subject of the complaints, but she refused to identify them.
“The executive editor, Hollis Towns, escorted me out of the building without giving me a chance to take my personal possessions. If I had committed some kind of professional transgression, nothing had ever been brought to my attention. If I had offended someone through inaccurate reporting, it never resulted in any corrections, clarifications or retractions. There is no porn on my PC, I report the truth and I’m too lazy to plagiarize. After 29 years of reporting, I am left unemployed, with no severance pay and at a complete loss to understand how my performance could be called into question.”
UPDATE: Pione, in a phone conversation Tuesday, said she could not discuss the specifics of why McNair was fired, but she noted that the paper wanted to publish the stories on which he was working with additional reporting from other journalists.
She said, “The Enquirer is more committed than ever to aggressive coverage of business news. We hired a business reporter on Friday and we’re looking for a strong, experienced reporter to cover Procter & Gamble and downtown development for us. We’re also moving one or two reporters to business from elsewhere in the newsroom.
“And that’s all at a time when many newspapers are having hiring freezes, layoffs and buyouts. Cincinnati is a great town for business reporting, with nine Fortune 500 companies and many challenges to the local economy, and it’s great to be bringing in some fresh energy to tackle those stories.”
She also noted that Towns reads the Wall Street Journal every morning, and wants to make business a key part of the paper’s coverage.
If you remember what’s going on at the paper’s business section, the business reporters were told earlier this year that they would be put into the weekend reporting rotation back in February, which caused some consternation about what would happen if they missed a big business story. McNair was one of those upset about this move. In addition, the Enquirer has become one of the few daily metros in the country to get rid of its standalone business section. That caused one reporter to leave for the Columbus Dispatch, and its business editor to depart for an AP job in Louisiana.
Last year, Talking Biz News wrote about McNair and how a local company, Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, had taken out a full-page ad in the paper complaining about his coverage. However, the CEO of that company has since been indicted.
The Newsache blog wrote, “McNair is old school. He is not a proponent of the journalism of hope and didn’t want to write about ‘good things happening.’ He wants to put people in jail. His coverage of Enzyte maker Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals probably helped do exactly that. He relentlessly covered the Erpenbeck and Fiorini financial scandals, and has kept the family feud at Check ‘N’ Go in the paper.
“But McNair’s brand of journalism made people inside the paper uncomfortable. The Enquirer has no history of providing this kind of hard-nosed reporting, so there was no natural spot for McNair in the newsroom, no investigative team for him to join and no editors who understand how to produce this kind of journalism It often took months for his work to appear in the paper. The Enquirer didn’t see fit to run much of his work on the front page.”
Back in 2002, McNair wrote the following for Nieman Reports: “Preemptive strikes by corporations whose dubious business or accounting practices are about to be exposed are merely another hurdle for corporate watchdogs in the news media. It doesn’t stop there. Competent business reporters are regularly blackballed for writing critical stories or for failing to trumpet a corporation’s business ventures.”
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