More coverage from Dow Jones CEO Richard Zannino’s remarks Wednesday at an investor conference in New York. The European and Asian editions of the Wall Street Journal will be “retooled” because of reader complaints after their conversion to tabloid format, according to a Reuters report.
Reuters wrote, “Zannino, speaking at the Bank of America Media Telecommunications and Entertainment conference, said some readers feel ‘there is less of a paper than before’ Dow Jones changed from a broad-sheet to the more compact tabloid format. The change, made late last year, was designed to cut costs at the struggling Asian and European editions.
“He said readers would likely be more satisfied as they grow accustomed to the tabloid size and realized the editions are offering as much content as they did previously.
“Nonetheless, he said, changes were in store, but declined to specify what they would be.
“‘Readers’ reaction overall is positive — not as positive as some other things we’ve done, so we are going to correct a little there. Retool it a bit,’ he said.”
Read the rest of the story here.