St. Louis Business Journal reporter Brian Feldt has been hired by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch to join its business news desk.
He started this week. He will work an early shift, posting breaking business news each morning, in addition to covering beer and retail news.
Feldt had been with the Business Journal since July 2013. He led the Business Journal’s technology and real estate coverage, writing three to five stories daily. He also spearheaded the newspaper’s TechFlash segment, which reports on St. Louis’ startup and innovation community, venture capital industry and other technology-related companies.
Before that, Feldt worked for Patch.com’s operation in St. Louis as an associate regional editor.
He also was a statehouse reporter for the State Journal-Register in Springfield, Illinois.
Feldt has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University and a master’s degree in public affairs reporting from the University of Illinois.