Stephanie Ruhle and Ali Velshi will anchor a business news show on MSNBC beginning Saturday, reports Mark Joyella of Forbes.
Joyella writes, “Ruhle and Velshi will get to escape the frantic news cycle and talk about those big issues in a new show, Velshi & Ruhle, which MSNBC will formally announce ahead of the show’s debut Saturday.
”This show’s going to be interesting,’ said Velshi, whose NBC office was often host to chats — and sometimes lively debates –with Ruhle. ‘She’d come hang out in my office and…we’d talk it out.’
“‘I couldn’t be more excited about doing this show,’ Ruhle said in an exclusive interview ahead of the show’s launch. ‘Since the day Ali came to work here, I would go to his office and we would rant and go on and on.’
“Those conversations eventually led to on-air segments, with the two longtime business journalists often laying out a news story in financial terms. ‘Here’s the point right here in bullets, here’s why it matters,’ Velshi said. ‘And we would hear feedback from viewers saying ‘do more of that.’’
“MSNBC management agreed, and Velshi & Ruhle will debut Saturday at 12:30 p.m. ET — a time slot just far enough removed from the tiring pace of political news to allow for something close to the office chats that inspired the show.”
Read more here.