Neal Carruth, NPR’s general manager of podcasting, sent out the following announcement on Thursday:
We are thrilled to announce that Cardiff Garcia will be joining NPR’s Planet Money team for a new project to be revealed soon. Cardiff’s first day will be Monday, November 13th.
Cardiff is the US editor of FT Alphaville, the flagship economics and finance blog of the Financial Times, where for the past seven years he has written and edited stories about the US economy and financial markets. He is also the founder and host of FT Alphachat, the FT’s award-winning business and economics podcast. As a guest commentator, he has regularly appeared on media outlets such as Marketplace Radio, WNYC, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, the BBC, and others.
“I couldn’t be more excited about joining NPR’s Planet Money team, whose podcasts I’ve admired through the years for their economic insights and keen storytelling,” said Garcia. “I’m also deeply thankful to the Financial Times — and especially to my wonderful colleagues on Alphaville — for a fantastic seven years, and I feel fortunate to be able to move from one great organization to another.”
Please join me in welcoming Cardiff to NPR.