Joshua Brown writes on his Reformed Broker blog about what it takes to write for specific financial media outlets.
Here are some of his examples:
“How to write a stock article for CNNMoney or MarketWatch: Line up quotes from a bull and a bear on a given stock – give a paragraph to each to state their case on the company, conclude by saying it’s too early to tell who’s right.
“How to write a column in Barron’s: Take a random statistic from Bespoke Investment Group. Use it to tell a story. Nap the rest of the week until deadline. Wake up and repeat.
“How to write a book on investing: Grab your favorite rules and ideas from a few of the other 20,000 books on investing that came before yours. No one will notice and the rules are evergreen anyway so they probably should be repeated. Have your PR agent send me an email about your book twice a day until they get the auto-responder announcing my premature and tragic death.
“How to write for Motley Fool: For your subject, pick a stock with a high message board-to-headline ratio on Yahoo Finance (thus guaranteeing interest and clicks). Promote the CAPS community within the first paragraph, the last paragraph should essentially be an ad for Hidden Gems or Rule Breakers of some such newsletter product.
“How to write for Be Doug Kass.
“How to write for the Forbes or HuffPo network: Doesn’t matter, it’ll be buried amid seven million other pieces of content, no one will read it.”
Read more here.