OLD Media Moves

How Pomplian re-imagined “The Profile”

February 19, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Polina Marinova

Brad Wolverton spoke with Polina Pompliano about she reimagined “The Profile,” her newsletter about profiles.

Wolverton writes, “But it wasn’t until this year—eight years after starting The Profile—that Polina had the lightbulb moment that led to her newsletter’s recent transformation.

“She recalled how a conversation with her husband, Anthony Pompliano—himself a prolific newsletter writer—helped her imagine a new path:

“For her first piece, on Wall Street veteran Anthony Scaramucci, she dug out her reporter’s notebook and interviewed dozens of people, including the financier’s childhood friends, critics, and even an old college professor.

“Like many of the pieces she has curated over the years, the story tells the tale of a complex, flawed individual who, in her words, has an ‘uncanny ability to bounce back stronger after every implosion.'”

Read more here.

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