OLD Media Moves

finStream launches new OTT/streaming channel platform

September 10, 2020

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

finStream has launched a new personal finance-themed OTT/streaming channel.

The channel will focus on increasing financial education and literacy while taking into consideration each individual’s unique life circumstances.

Additionally, finStream will also be launching the first episode of its original series, “Your Life, Your Money” a topical format show which will become a regular feature of the channel where guest panelists will address issues that are relevant to the new normal.

The series and other content will be available on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Reddit, Roku TV and @ http://www. finstream.tv .

Guests for the first episode are:

  • Michelle Singletary, personal finance columnist for the Washington Post and Author
  • Maddy Dychtwald, co-founder of AgeWave and Author
  • Dominic Endicott, venture capitalist and partner in 4Gen Partners.

Bob Powell, co-founder and distinguished financial journalist and contributor to The Street, USA Today and other media outlets, said:

“finStream is launching during the pandemic by design. Everything is changing from our jobs to our family relationships, our finances and myriad other aspects of our lives. We will address this new normal and provide insightful commentary into how these dynamics will affect us in many ways moving forward.”

Co-founder Tom Adler, president of Charisma Productions, added:

“We are thrilled to be able to provide a one-stop resource for all people to be able to find expert financial advice, customized to their specific needs. In particular, we are excited to offer a platform for enhancing financial literacy for women and minorities, one that will address the issues that directly impact them.”


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