The blog started today, and editor Elizabeth Spiers explains what the site will be about. She writes, “What? You were expecting flashing lights? Big ticker symbols scrolling across the middle of the page? Serious commentary? Stevie Cohen on a stick?
“We don’t really do that. But here’s what you will find: posts about the precise size of the guitar collection on Paul Allen’syacht spaceship, posts about the disparity between what Aswath Damodaran thinks is the dark side of valuation and what we think is the dark side of valuation (hint: high-quality cocaine), banker body counts (thank you, John Mack), interviews with people about how much money they make and whether they sometimes buy things just so they can throw them away, sightings of Eliot Spitzer, pitchbook origami, fun with league tables, and so on. And occasionally we’ll break news or do something that’s otherwise useful. Which will be entirely an accident. We apologize in advance.”
I’ve already recommended that one of my business reporting students with a penchant for writing about corporate scandals while channeling Hunter S. Thompson apply for a job.
OLD Media Moves
Dealbreaker blog debuts
March 29, 2006
The blog started today, and editor Elizabeth Spiers explains what the site will be about. She writes, “What? You were expecting flashing lights? Big ticker symbols scrolling across the middle of the page? Serious commentary? Stevie Cohen on a stick?
“We don’t really do that. But here’s what you will find: posts about the precise size of the guitar collection on Paul Allen’s
yachtspaceship, posts about the disparity between what Aswath Damodaran thinks is the dark side of valuation and what we think is the dark side of valuation (hint: high-quality cocaine), banker body counts (thank you, John Mack), interviews with people about how much money they make and whether they sometimes buy things just so they can throw them away, sightings of Eliot Spitzer, pitchbook origami, fun with league tables, and so on. And occasionally we’ll break news or do something that’s otherwise useful. Which will be entirely an accident. We apologize in advance.”I’ve already recommended that one of my business reporting students with a penchant for writing about corporate scandals while channeling Hunter S. Thompson apply for a job.
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