The Cleveland Plain Dealer has won an award from the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants for best in-depth financial journalism for a series of stories about funding retirement in the United States.
According to a short story in the paper, “The competition was judged by a panel of CPAs from the nation’s oldest state accounting organization and financial journalists from the New York Financial Writers Association. Entries were evaluated on accuracy and thoroughness of research, an ability to communicate a better understanding of a topic, and fair and balanced reporting.
“‘Retire at Your Own Risk,‘ published on eight successive Sundays from June through August, examined the problems and potential solutions to a retirement crisis confronting the United States.
“The series explored topics ranging from Americans’ reliance on Social Security and corporate pension programs in their retirement years to solutions that essentially shift the burden from one generation to the next.”
Other winners were Bloomberg News, Bloomberg Markets, Newsweek columnist Jane Bryant Quinn, and Alexei Bayer from Research magazine. Read more here. The press release announcing the winners can be found here.
Winners will receive their awards at a luncheon to be held at The Yale Club in New York City on Tuesday, May 1.