Austin Business Journal real estate reporter Jan Buchholz will retire early next year, according to a story on its website.
The story states, “Buchholz arrived in Austin about six years ago after learning the nuances of real estate at the Denver and Phoenix business journals. To say she has been important to the sector would be an understatement.
“Like all good reporters, Jan informed readers about important deals going down as they happened — often before they happened. But it’s her knack for telling the stories of the people behind those transactions that elevated her from the ‘good’ to the ‘great’ category.
“‘Jan gets that people don’t have relationships with companies, they have relationships with other people,’ ABJ Editor Colin Pope said. ‘Her focus on the faces — the struggles and opportunities their eyes have seen, the work their hands have done — is what has made her an asset to millions of readers over the years.'”
Read more here.