Dennis Sodomka, executive editor of the Augusta Chronicle, announced some changes to the paper on Saturday, including to the business section.
The changes take effect next week.
Sodomka stated, “Instead of limiting our business news to parts of two pages, we will devote as much space as necessary each day. Some days that will be less space, other days it will be several pages. Stock listings will only be available on our web site. We will run a quick roundup of the market results at the top of the page.
“These changes are meant to make the paper easier to use and more helpful. The newspaper and the web site should reflect the life of our community and should offer you information to make your life easier. If you think of other ways we can do that, please let me know.
“The Chronicle is a living, breathing organism that grows out of its community. It will continue to change and evolve as the people of our community change. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life.”
Read more here.