Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke of the New York Observer writes about Inc. magazine and its new editor James Ledbetter as the magazine turns 35 years old.
Bloomgarden-Smoke writes, “The challenge for Mr. Ledbetter is to beef up the web presence while retaining the targeted identity of the magazine.
“‘I saw some holes that needed to be filled, but there was no profound need for change,’ Mr. Ledbetter said. ‘I see my role as getting the most out of the people that we have, helping people do their best work and bringing in some fresh voices and fresh talent to make it really sing.’
“Many of his fans already profess to see his influence at Inc. In April, he hired Fortune’s David Whitford as editor at large and former BusinessWeek media columnist Jon Fine as an executive editor.
“Mr. Ledbetter’s reputation may help Inc.’s standing in New York media, and the qualities that make Mr. Ledbetter popular at magazine parties carry over to the more ceremonial duties as well.
“During conversations, Mr. Ledbetter peppers his observations with flattering phrases like ‘good question,’ just often enough that it seems genuine. ‘I like him because he really seems to like me,’ one journalist who has met Mr. Ledbetter a handful of times volunteered.”
Read more here.