Fox Biz Network's Casone on her career

Fox Business Network anchor Cheryl Casone talked to Gianni Celestin of about her career as a business journalist. Here is an excerpt: What are some of the biggest challenges (personal and professional) you’ve encountered thus far in your career? I did not study economics, finance, or business in college. In fact, I began to […]

Fox Biz's Bolling: You have to have skin in the game

Fox Business Network’s Eric Bolling talking with Wall St. Cheat Sheet’s Damien Hoffman about his career as a financial journalist and how it evolved out of his trading career. In the interview, Bolling stated: 1. “I helped launch Fast Money and really loved it.  I had fun sitting on the Fast Money panel talking about […]

Dobbs: Never talked to CNBC or Fox about jobs

Lou Dobbs, the former CNN anchor who left that network last month, told radio show host Don Imus that he has not talked to either CNBC or Fox Business Network about joining either of those business news networks. The New York Times had reported Tuesday that Dobbs had talked to CNBC, while earlier media reports […]

Fox Business to expand access in New York market

TALKING BIZ NEWS EXCLUSIVE Fox Business Network is expected to announce Thursday morning that it has secured an agreement with Cablevision Systems Corp. The deal will expand the business network’s distribution by nearly 3 million subscribers in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area. Fox Business will be available to Cablevision subscribers on channel […]

The competition in TV biz news

Matt Pressman writes in the latest Vanity Fair that Fox Business Network has yet to provide stiff competition to CNBC and that the real competition may come from Bloomberg TV. Pressman writes, “Like Fox Business, Bloomberg TV is still presumably stuck below the Nielsen threshold of 35,000, since it isn’t rated either. Just over a […]

Krugman: Fox Business not pro-business, but pro-Republican

New York Times political and economics columnist Paul Krugman argues that Fox Business Network is more of a pro-Republican network like Fox News than it is the pro-business network it purports to be. Krugman writes, “To make their point they bring on such market experts as … John Bolton. As Wolcott writes, ‘It takes more […]

Fox Biz finds sponsors for online shows

David Goetzl of Media Daily News reports about how Fox Business Network launched its online news shows without sponsors earlier this year, but has since found advertisers. Goetzl writes, “The strategy appears to have worked. FBN began weaving ads into its live online shows this quarter. Chase is on board as an advertiser for the […]

Dobbs leaves CNN; Fox Biz says it has had no discussions with anchor

Lou Dobbs, who was an original anchor at CNN when it launched nearly three decades ago and was its main business anchor for decades, announced Wednesday evening that he’s leaving the network. A spokeswoman for Fox News and Fox Business Network, which has been rumored to covet Dobbs, told Talking Biz News that “We have […]

Petallides on covering the market

Neo magazine’s Dimitri C. Michalakis interviewed Fox Business Network‘s Nicole Petallides on what it’s like to cover Wall Street in the latest issue. Michalakis writes, “Before joining FOX, Petallides was an anchor for Bloomberg Television reporting from the Stock Exchange, and before Bloomberg, she was an assistant producer for CNBC, where she produced daily floor […]

Fighting the SEC pays off — for all business journalists

Lost in the release Friday of reams of documents related to the Securities and Exchange Commission‘s investigation of the Bernie Madoff investment scam was why the documents were released in the first place. Fox Business Network actually filed a lawsuit against the SEC earlier this year seeking the release of the documents after the government […]