Slate: Bartiromo coverage tries to insinuate more than what's reported

Slate media columnist Jack Shafer writes about the recent coverage of the Maria Bartiromo/Citigroup controversy and notes that the word usage and language in many of the stories implies something that the reporters can’t prove. Shafer wrote, “Delineating a friendship that includes a trans-Pacific flight alone in a corporate jet, an apparently significant sighting in […]

John Hancock asks for ComputerWorld story to be taken down

Financial services company John Hancock has asked tech publication ComputerWorld to take an article off its web site, according to the Boston Herald’s Jesse Noyes. Noyes wrote, “But Computerworld’s Editor-in-Chief Don Tennant is refusing to bring down the article despite getting a warning of an impending cease-and-desist letter. “‘Basically we found it a very interesting […]

Journalism professors irked with Bartiromo's actions

Bloomberg reporters Justin Baer and Michael White point out Monday morning that the actions by Maria Bartiromo to fly on a Citigroup corporate jet are making it tough on journalism professors trying to instill ethics in their students. They write, “Edward Wasserman, the Knight Professor of journalism at Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, […]

CNBC's coverage is cozy to business

David Carr writes in the Monday New York Times that what Maria Bartiromo did by flying in the Citigroup corporate jet is typical for a media outlet that has cozied up to its beat. Carr wrote, “CNBC has positioned itself as an adjunct to business, the glowing friend in the corner with the sound off […]

Problems with NY Times' biz section freelancer

New York Times public editor Barney Calame writes in his Sunday column about ethical problems related to a freelancer who has been writing regularly for the paper’s business section. The writer, John Biggs, wrote two short items about Samsung for the paper last year and had taken a trip to Japan paid for by the […]

Professor: Bartiromo not representative of business journalism

Boston Herald business reporter Jesse Noyes takes a look at the Maria Bartiromo/Citigroup controversy on Saturday and quotes a Boston University professor who believes that Bartiromo is not the typical business journalist. Noyes wrote, “If she’s the face of CNBC she should be held to a higher standard than anybody else,’ said John Carroll, a […]

Weiss: I don't see the problem with Bartiromo's flight columnist Gary Weiss thinks that the controversy surrounding CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo taking a plane trip with a Citigroup exec on its corporate jet is way overblown. Weiss wrote, “Maria may be, well….. a bit too close to one of the companies she covers. That, however, is hardly a hanging offense in journalism and […]

Berr: Bartiromo should be fired

Jonathan Berr, the editor of, calls Friday for CNBC to fire Maria Bartiromo because of her close relationships with sources. Berr, a former reporter for Bloomberg News and, wrote, “Maria Bartiromo, who rose to fame as CNBC’s Money Honey during the bull market of the 90s, should be fired for showing incredible lapses […]

Friedman wonders why CNBC isn't covering Bartiromo story

Marketwatch media columnist Jon Friedman points out something today about the Maria Bartiromo/Citigroup flap that no one else has bothered to note: Why hasn’t her own network, CNBC, covered the story? Friedman wrote, “Apparently, CNBC’s damage-control strategy is to hope that this unwanted intrusion will play itself out and simply go away. The network may […]

CNBC moves to defend Bartiromo

New York Times reporter Geraldine Fabrikant takes a close look at CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo and her association with Citigroup in Friday’s newspaper. Bartiromo’s trip on a Citi corporate jet is apparently what led to the ouster of one of its executives earlier this week. Fabrikant reported that it wasn’t the first time Bartiromo had […]