Nice humor about business journalists and who they know

Michael McCord, business editor of the Portsmouth Herald in New Hampshire, took note of the goings on earlier this week in regard to the SEC subpoenas of business journalists and the battle between reporters and President Patrick Byrne. His Sunday column is filled with some good sarcasm in relation to the issues. To wit, […]

Greater Binghamton Business Journal to launch next month

Circulation for the Greater Binghamton Business Journal in New York is expected to be 4,000, and the first issue will hit newstands on April 17. Sister publication Central New York Business Review reported: “Michael W. Lurie has been named associate publisher of The Greater Binghamton Business Journal. During his career, Lurie has done technical and […]

Cramer needs to disclose conflict

“Mad Money” host Jim Cramer has been touting a stock that is a large holding of David Rocker, who is also a major investor in the company that Cramer founded — At least one person believes that Cramer needs to disclose this conflict of interest on his show. The Informed Observer blogger Peter Cohan […]

Bloomberg increasing presence in Washington

Harry Jaffe, the national editor of the Washingtonian, notes that Bloomberg is expanding its operations in its Washington, D.C., bureau to increase its presence in the political coverage arena. Jaffe writes, “Bloomberg News reporter Michael Forsythe wrote a solid investigative story Friday, pointing out that campaign contributions are pouring in to members of Congress, such […]

Atlanta paper to cut stock listings beginning next week

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will announce in tomorrow’s newspaper that it is cutting the stock listings in its daily newspaper beginning next week, joining a list of metropolitan dailies across the country that have made similar cuts to their business sections since the beginning of the year. The AJC’s public editor, Angela Tuck, right, wrote in […]

Media is confused when covering today's LBOs

Yvette Kantrow, the executive editor of, has an incisive piece about how the recent spat of leveraged buyouts is being covered in the business media. Her conclusion is that business journalist come off as being confused about what’s going on and seem to have forgotten the lessons learned in the 1980s covering LBOs. Kantrow […]

Business journalists with axes to grind

Bill Cara, who writes a blog on the market, has an interesting post about what he sees on CNBC and how that is perceived by Wall Street. Cara writes: “Te whole group on Kudlow tonight was super bullish. I’m saying that having only caught the last ten minutes of the show. But do you don’t […]

Houston Chronicle biz columnist calls for SEC commish's head

Loren Steffy, who writes a column for the business section of the Houston Chronicle, called for SEC commissioner Christopher Cox’s resignation in a column, noting that the blunder of the subpoenas of business journalists occurred on his watch and during his tenure that the reform movement to make corporate America more accountable has died. Steffy […]

The Wall Street Journal on the SEC's subpoenas

The Wall Street Journal wrote an editorial in Wednesday’s newspaper criticizing the SEC’s recent action to subpoena three journalists, including two — Marketwatch’s Herb Greenberg and Dow Jones Newswires’ Carol Remond — who work for the Journal’s parent company Dow Jones. The Journal writes: “As long as journalists at Dow Jones are honestly reporting what […]

An Oregonian editorial about Jim Cramer

The Oregonian, the daily newspaper in Portland, saw fit to editorialize about Jim Cramer and his “Mad Money” television show in this morning’s edition. They were, surprisingly, positive about Cramer and his position among the talking heads on TV. The editorial, titled “A big Booyah! to the crazy man of Wall Street,” stated: “Who would […]