Media News

WSJ’s Beckett proud paper kept Gershkovich in the limelight

August 4, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Evan Gershkovich

Assistant editor Paul Beckett said Sunday he was proud that the Wall Street Journal kept detained journalist Evan Gershkovich’s plight in the public eye, reports David Cohen of Politico.

Cohen reports, “‘Very very early on,’ Beckett said on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ ‘someone in the government to whom I’ll always be grateful to for this advice said there’s a time to be loud, and there’s a time to be quiet and now is the time to be loud. And so we stayed loud until we knew the time to be quiet. And that time to be quiet was Wednesday and Thursday of this week.’

“Gershkovich, who was detained in Russia on March 2023 on espionage charges, was among the prisoners and political dissidents released as part of a multi-nation agreement that brought three people back to the United States and 13 to Germany from Russia and Belarus.

“Eight prisoners were sent back to Russia, including convicted killer Vadim Krasikov from Germany and accused spy Mikhail Mikushin from Norway.”

Read more here.

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