Media News

Wirecutter is launching its first podcast

August 14, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

The New York Times will debut the first podcast for Wirecutter, its product reviews brand, on Aug. 21, reports Sara Fischer of Axios.

Fischer reports, “The show is part of a broader effort to make Wirecutter’s journalism more accessible and its business more resilient to changes in the media landscape.

“‘Wirecutter is not only branching out in terms of its business model, it’s also branching out in terms of its platforms,’ Cliff Levy, deputy publisher of Wirecutter, told Axios.

Zoom in: “The Wirecutter Show” debuts next Wednesday on The Times’ audio app, NYT Audio, and for free on any platform where consumers get their podcasts. Polestar, the electric car company, is the show’s launch sponsor.

“The show aims to demystify consumer recommendations around complicated topics through storytelling and explainers that are rooted in Wirecutter’s journalism-driven product reviews.”

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