Media News

What kind of content will Sherwood News provide?

April 10, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Sherwood Media

Sara Fischer of Axios examines Sherwood News, the news organization launched this week by retail trading company Robinhood.

Fischer writes, “The new website is launching with original stories across several dedicated content sections, including markets, business, tech, crypto, power, world, personal finance and culture.

“The editorial is produced by nearly two dozen veteran journalists, including former UBS analyst and Bloomberg reporter Luke Kawa, former CoinDesk managing editor Toby Bochan, former New York Times and Axios writer Matt Phillips, and former Gawker editor-in-chief Leah Finnegan.

“At launch, the company will have roughly three dozen employees. It hopes to have around 40 full-time staff by the end of the year, Topolsky says.”

Read more here.

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