Media News

Wallace, Daily Record assistant editor, dies at 58

February 26, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Sean Wallace

Sean Wallace, an assistant editor at The Daily Record in Maryland, a BridgeTower Media publication, died Saturday at the age of 58 from cancer.

A Daily Record story, “Wallace, who since 2015 served as The Daily Record’s assistant editor, worked as a copy editor, sportswriter and page designer at newspapers in Texas and Illinois  for almost 20 years. He came to Maryland for a job at Patuxent Publishing in 2003, later working for Post Newsweek Media and Stars and Stripes before joining The Daily Record.

“As an editor, he was meticulous and detail oriented. He handled many of the bread-and-butter features that readers depend on – personnel announcements, awards, new business openings, legal opinions and the like – all with calm efficiency. And he generally put the paper’s print edition to bed every night.

“‘He was as dependable as he was unflappable, particularly on the nights when I didn’t know how we would meet the press deadline,’ said Danny Jacobs, a former Daily Record legal editor. ‘They don’t make them like him in the newsroom anymore — nor in the real world, for that matter.'”

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