Variety has named Todd Spangler its business editor.
William Earl writes that Spangler will oversee “coverage of corporate and financial news, mergers and acquisitions and other deal activity for media and entertainment’s largest conglomerates.
“Spangler will also continue to drive Variety‘s coverage of digital media and Silicon Valley tech giants. Based in New York, Spangler is a pillar of daily breaking news coverage. In recent years he’s been the lead reporter on such such long-running business dramas as the travails of Elon Musk, Facebook and its privacy and political battles, the introduction of TikTok to the U.S., the maturation of Netflix and YouTube as well as the rise of platforms such as podcasting, games and esports. He’s also known in the Variety newsroom for his deft touch with news-of-the-weird stories that arise on his beats.”
Read more here.