Media News

TechCrunch honors former staffer O’Hear

October 14, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Steve O’Hear

Tech news site TechCrunch has posted a memorial to its former staffer Steve O’Hear, who died recently after a brief illness.

The memorial states, “Steve brought his A-game to this organization every day he worked here and was a huge part of what made (and makes — you can read his 3,210 posts, a veritable magnus opus, here) TechCrunch great.

“Steve was a dogged news hound who broke tons of stories. He also wrote grand features, spoke truth to power, and was, quite simply, an original and unmistakable voice.

“Steve first joined TechCrunch in 2009, hired to help create a footprint for TechCrunch in Europe and conversely give the early tech ecosystem here exposure to the rest of the world.

“Steve was fearless and more than a writer. Well before he came to TechCrunch, in 2004, fascinated with the gravity pull Silicon Valley was clearly exerting as far as Europe, he traveled to California with two friends in search of what made it tick.”

Read more here.

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