Media News

Russian arrest footage shows Gershkovich conducting journalism

August 7, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Evan Gershkovich

The Russian Federal Security Service, FSB, released heavily edited video and audio recordings of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich that it said, “proved” the espionage activities in Russia but show journalism being practiced, reports William Echols of Voice of America.

Echols reports, “The recordings provide no evidence Gershkovich committed any crime or was involved in espionage. The audio and video published by RT attest to Gershkovich’s engagement in normal journalistic activities before his arrest.

“The video montage starts by showing a man who approaches Gershkovich’s table, sits next to him, gives something to the American, and leaves. Immediately after, men in civilian clothes surround Gershkovich using force to arrest him although he does not resist.

“The footage was digitally manipulated to replace its natural sound with dramatic music and blur the ‘source’s’ face.”

Read more here.

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