Media News

Reuters calls for assurances journos won’t be targeted after Abdullah killing

October 14, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Issam Abdullah

Reuters president Paul Bascobert and Reuters editor-in-chief Alessandra Galloni issued the following statement:

We acknowledge the news that the IDF will investigate the 13th October incident in southern Lebanon that led to the killing of Reuters video journalist Issam Abdallah and the injury of Reuters journalists Thaer Al-Sudani and Maher Nazeh, as well as journalists from AFP and Al Jazeera. We call on the IDF to conduct a thorough, swift and transparent investigation. It is critically important for journalists to be able to report freely and safely.

We are shocked and deeply saddened by the killing of Issam. He was a brilliant and passionate journalist, and much loved at Reuters. We are urgently seeking information and supporting Issam’s family and colleagues at this terrible time.

We reiterate our requests sent over the past several days to the Israeli authorities for clarity on the rules of engagement and assurances that Reuters journalists and offices in Gaza will not be targeted as part of Israel’s military operations. We have still not received a response.

Reuters urges the IDF to respect and work with the media, including Reuters, to ensure the safety of all journalists reporting in the region

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