Media News

Poggi named editor in chief of Ad Age

January 5, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Jeanine Poggi

Jeanine Poggi has been named editor-in-chief of Ad Age.

Parker Herren of Ad Age writes, “Poggi—who joined Ad Age in 2012 and has held various reporting and editing roles—will lead all newsroom efforts including print, digital, social, video, podcasts and events. She will continue shaping the strategic editorial direction of Ad Age to ensure it resonates with the publication’s expanding audience. Poggi will also be responsible for developing new products and forms of storytelling that allow Ad Age to evolve along with the dynamic advertising and marketing ecosystem. Poggi will report to Dan Peres, president of Ad Age.

“‘Jeanine’s leadership of our newsroom has been nothing short of inspiring,’ Peres said. ‘She is brimming with ideas and has a boundless energy. She has been an extraordinary partner to me as we work to find exciting new ways to engage with our growing audience.'”

Read more here.

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